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We believe that ministry continues the work of Christ, who gives gifts through the Holy Spirit to all believers and empowers them for service in the church and in the world. We also believe that God calls particular persons in the church to specific leadership ministries and offices. All who minister are accountable to God and to the community of faith as they serve the church.

Happy Seniors

For this group of adventure seeking adults, the term "Senior" is just a word, for they are truly young at heart.


They are active all year round enjoying trips to The Poconos, The Jersey Beach, Progressive Dinners, and sporting events. For this group of fun loving adults, the name "Happy Seniors" is truly undeniable.

Kid's Ministry

Psalms 127:3, “Children are a gift from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.”

Children are always a blessing! As it is written in Proverbs 22:6 "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."  Our Kid's Ministry is the Cornerstone of our church.  From Summer Vacation Bible School to Rally Day; from our Christmas Eve Service to Sunday morning Kids' Church. Lower Skippack focuses on passing the message of God's Word onto to our children each and every day.

Community Outreach
Volunteer Ministries

Our members are extremely active in the community. For it is written; "And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." -Hebrews 13:16.

Ministries We Support

Cheryl Daily & Family with U.F.M. International in France

Sam & Joan Fiore

Al & Billie Nucciarone

Jon & Laura Lumpkin

Camp Men-O-Lan

God’s Treasure House

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